Master of Mosquiton Manga Scans

Warning: Spoilers ahead!

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I'm having a similar problem in figuring out the origins of the Master of Mosquiton manga set I own. There is no doubt it's official, but I have heard two different sides to one story. According to one person, the anime is based on the manga, to another the manga is based on the anime. Only the first in the set of four follows the OVA story, the rest have characters from the TV series. Even more confusing is the many differences between what goes on in the OVA and the first manga (and these I have noticed without being able to read it, who knows what could be found if I ever get it translated). For instance Camille (that's Mosquiton's long lost wife) does not appear at all in the first manga in the story that follows the OVA, but she does show up for the section that seems to be using the TV series characters. Also rather than riding about in an airplane, a car seems to be Inaho's crew's transportation. Any information one can give me about the manga is greatly appreciated! Let's face it however, you're here for the scans! Rather than thumbnails I've got descriptions of each image linked to the picture. If you really have a problem with this, tell me! Opinions matter! Also sorry if it seems a little lopsided right now, being mostly images of Mo-chan! He's my favorite so I sort of got all the cutest ones of him first. More will be added as time allows.

PLEASE DO NOT TAKE ANY OF THESE IMAGES WITHOUT PERMISSION OR WITHOUT GIVING A LINK TO ME! I did a lot of work to get them here, not to mention the amount I dished out for the set in the first place!  If for any reason you'd like an unmarked image, please e-mail me requesting it and I'm sure I'd be more than happy to oblige!

In color!

At the front of each manga is a page with a full color pic of Yuki and Honoo, typically in a romantic pose, that's where most of these are from!

Yuki and Honoo in bed together, who would've thought it?

Adult Honoo walking with child Yuki, cute!

 Honoo holding Yuki wrapped in, uh.. I don't know, wallpaper?

Honoo and Yuki wearing nothing but blankets! Fanservice for both sides.

Super deformed Honoo and Yuki, finally they're dressed!

Black and white!
(not in chronological order)

Mo-chan is pissed! Someone's in trouble.

Evil Mosquiton in all his bloody teared glory!

Inaho being her usual greedy self.

Mo-chan,Yuki and Honoo force Inaho to depart from the moon.

Inaho pretending Mo-chan's face is silly putty.

Tearful reunion complete with shirtless Mo-chan!

Inaho sweet talking Mo-chan into doing her bidding.

A dramatic scene, also my logo!

Eee, that's gotta hurt!

Inaho and her favorite pastime, yelling at Mo-chan!

More screaming Inaho and cowering Mo-chan.

Mo-chan looking bishounen.

Some blood, gore and Inaho snacking.

Evil Mosquiton makes an amazing entrance.

Once more the cynical vampire does the pretty boy look.

Romance! Mo-chan holds Inaho close... or is he about to have a drink?

More sappy stuff, and Inaho's crying!

Ah, the ultimate Mosquiton/Inaho romance pic!

Uh oh, Mo-chan's pissed again, this time with lightning.

Mo-chan with Inaho's ancestor.

Aw, he seems pretty happy!

Inaho remembers Mo-chan at the end of the first manga, he's flipping an egg in the middle one!

Mo-chan first thing in the morning is not a pretty sight. Someone get this vampire some coffee!

Evil Mosquiton goes artsy fartsy with roses.

I think Mo-chan looks like Youji from Weiss Kreuz in this one!

Mo-chan is not a morning person.

My favorite pic, Mo-chan chilling around the "TIME" shop in some interesting duds.

Mo-chan getting yelled at again, what does he do to deserve this?

He'll rise, but he won't shine!

Only one word describes this: NANI?

Mo-chan sweating bullets.

"Sunday Mosquiton" apparently on Sundays Mo-chan has a bit of trouble getting out of the coffin.

Inaho with  evil Mosquiton. I really don't like this version.

Happy ending to the fourth manga.

Yuki, Honoo and Mo-chan outside the TIME shop.

That's it for now! Check back now and again to see if I've added anything new. I plan to get some scans of the characters from the TV series, a few of Inaho by herself, and some black and white Honoo and Yuki. I know not everyone loves the vampire as much as I do!
